Installation of Stairs

The men continued with their work on the staircase. The challenges  the men had to overcome was the rise and run of these existing  staircase. The exterior wall is slightly out of square.  Also, the rise and run of the stair shows slight variations between steps. I directed the men to make sure the rise is consistent, and to make up any differences in the runs. Slight height differences can feel awkward when we walk.


The men also pitched the transition landing and added the crack isolation membrane. The men will continue the stairs and landing tomorrow.


We are starting to get our first shoots of the cucumber melon. Out of the six I planted five have sprouted. We will condition and churn the soil today. We will add a little agricultural lime, tree bark and organic fertilizer. Melons have short root systems so we will add mulch to the top to keep the moisture in. We will plant these soon because melons do not like to be transferred. 
